Wednesday, November 24, 2010



Our first holiday WISHBOOK is available for download now at featuring the new TARINA'S FAVORITE THINGS department with Cosmetics, candy, books, candles, party hats, holiday decorations and more!


Pink has been wearing our jewelry and accessories for years in her videos, on tour and in real life. And now she is a TT Beauty junkie too!  Makeup Artist KATHY JEUNG used our Gem Gloss in POM POM to add the right amount of candy pink to Pink's pout for the American Music Awards.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Sometimes its the little things, like a jar full of gumballs, that get us through our Monday's and make them a little more magical.  I have jars full  of everything I love in my inspirationatorium at The Sparkle Factory.  Can you guess what some of those things might be?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Blood, Sweat, Sparkle and Curve balls....

It is not easy, but its worth every bit of blood, sweat, and sparkle.  Start each day with one goal in mind; to give it your best, work your hardest and believe that you can do it.  Find what you love most in life and then find a way to make it your work, your life, your career.  I know this can sound impossible but take it from me, it is possible!  But..... it is not EASY and always comes with a price.  You must sacrifice comfort, time with family and friends, sleep, and more.  But it's worth it when you see all that you have worked so hard for come to life.  Be ready for the curve balls!  They will come and you will not get any warning. Just when you think things are all starting to fall into place its as if some invisible force is throwing things in your way to make everything more challenging.  My advice is to get a big bat and smash right through every challenge, and know that you will learn your most valuable lessons during these times.  Don't let anyone or anything stop you from achieving your dreams!  And if they try to, banish them from your personal kingdom!  Negative and bitter people will only drag you down and surrounding yourself with good people will make your life happier, better, and more fulfilling than you could every imagine.  Sometimes bad people can seem good at first,  so make sure you trust your gut instinct to tell you when something is wrong.  Keeping bad apples in your life will make it harder to deal with the curve balls. This much I know for sure.